Guatemala Huehuetenango Huixoc RFA – Subscription

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eco_certified_rainforest_allianceRainforest Alliance Certified farm.
A brilliant Central American grown in the highlands of northern Guatemala. Growing altitude of 4800ft. Wet processed and sundried. Milk chocolate followed by peaches. A coffee meant to be savored.

The name Huixoc, which means “water spring” in the mam dialect, was given to this beautiful coffee finca by its founder, Jose Olivio Chavez, a coffee exporting & marketing pioneer, in 1940. It is located in the lush mountains of La Democracia, a small town in the Huehuetenango province, in northwestern Guatemala. There are several water springs located on the farm that help provide adequate moisture during the dry season and have also provided the energy to run the coffee mill throughout the years. The region’s rich soil, adequate rainfall and high altitude combine to create favorable conditions for producing an excellent quality coffee.

Location:   Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Altitude:   4,200-5,500 ft. (1,280-1,676m)
Varietals:  Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Mundo Novo
Process:   Fully Washed
Drying: Sun-Dried on Patios
Harvest Period:  Nov-Mar

Additional information

Weight 12.0 oz
Dimensions 4.25 × 3.25 × 7.254 in